The word Angel means 'messenger' and describes the occupation of the angels. 'Arch'angels are 'head angels'. Almost all Archangel's names end in an 'el' suffix. 'EL' meaning 'in God'. The first half of the name signifies what that Archangel specializes in. Archangels are able to be in many places at the same time. They are here to help you grow. Never feel as though your problems or questions are too small or insignificant. You are just as important as any other person! |
Archangel Michael (meaning of name: Who is like God, like unto God, who is like the Divine)
Michael is the first Angel created. He is the leader of all angels and is in charge of protection,
strength, courage, truth, and integrity. His chief function is to rid the earth and it's inhabitants of
fear. When he is around, you may see sparkles or flashes of bright blue or purple light. Michael
helps us to realize our life's purpose. He also helps us to follow our truth without compromising
our integrity and helps us to find our true nature and to be faithful to who we really are. He is
helpful with overcoming addictions, illnesses, suffering from a disease or terminal illness and
help you when you have nightmares. Michael fills us with hope, inspiration, and faith that the
universe is always on our side. There is no problem that Michael cannot address when called
upon to do so.
If Archangel Michael appeared as your Guardian Angel in one of the Angel portraits, it is either
that you have chosen a 'challenging' life and need extra support, or that you are undergoing a
difficult time in your life (mentally, physically, or spiritually). Talk with him often – tell him all
that you desire. He will give you the courage and strength to fulfill your life's mission.
Archangel Raphael (meaning of name: healing power of God)
Raphael is a powerful 'healer' and assists with all forms of healing in humans and animals.
He is very sweet, loving, kind and gentle and you know when he is around when you see
sparkles or flashes of green light. Raphael is the Patron of Travelers.
Call on him to assure safe travel towards your personal truth and guidance and to assure all
goes well with transportation and luggage on a trip.
Raphael assists in all aspects of healing-addictions, bringing unity to your life and to assist you
with being in touch with your spirituality.
Archangel Gabriel (meaning of name: Strength of God, The Divine is my strength)
Gabriel is the only Archangel depicted as both 'male' and 'female' (Angels are neither male or
female. This 'gender' occurs when Angels want you to know that the 'energy' from them is
either assertive or nurturing). He is a powerful and strong Archangel who will push you into
action that leads you to beneficial results in your life. Gabriel does so many things to improve
your life when asked. He will bring messages, start or add to your family, help you receive
Angelic visions for your life's purpose, help motivate artists, writers and communicators to
overcome fear and procrastination. Ask for Gabriel's guidance if you wish to understand your
life's purpose. Call on Gabriel if your body or thoughts are full of toxins and needs purifying.
Gabriel is also helpful for women who have been sexually assaulted and feel 'unclean' or if you
feel that you have absorbed someone else's problems.
Archangel Gabriel brings us good news in abundance and uplifts our spirits. He is the holder of
the Book of Wisdom-the Akashic Records. Gabriel appears when you are ready to move
forward on your mission. If this Angel has appeared for you on your Guardian Angel portrait,
he brings you hope and good cheer and makes you more aware of the messages from your
Archangel Uriel (meaning of name: God's light, Fire of God)
Uriel is considered one of the wisest Archangels because of his intellectual information,
solutions and insights, but he is very subtle. You may not even realize he has answered your
prayer and desire until you suddenly come up with a brilliant idea or solution. Uriel's area of
expertise is divine problem solving, spiritual understanding, studies in alchemy, weather, earth
changes and writing. Uriel helps with floods, fires hurricanes tornadoes, natural disasters, and
earth changes. Call on Uriel to avert such events or to heal and recover from their aftermath.
Archangel Chamuel (meaning of name: he who sees God, he who seeks God)
Chamuel is the Archangel of pure love and can lift you from the depths of sorrow to find love
in your heart. He helps us renew and improve relationships and build strong foundations in our
relationships. You will know when he is around when you feel 'butterflies' in your stomach and
a tingling in your body. Chamuel will also help you to strengthen a parent-child bond, if you're
unable to feel love for yourself or others, if you have 'lost a loved one', if you've experienced a
divorce, if you feel depressed, lonely, brokenhearted, need to feel loved or if you are critical or
judge-mental and don't appreciate the love you have in your life. Chamuel will also help with
world peace, life purpose, and finding lost items.
Archangel Jophiel (meaning of name: beauty of God)
Jophiel is the Archangel of art and beauty. He is the patron of artists, art projects, thinking
beautiful thoughts and the ability to see and appreciate the beauty around you. He illuminates
our creative spark by giving us ideas and energy to carry out our artistic ideas. Jophiel helps us
see the beauty in all things-including people. He helps us to slow down and appreciate life-to
'smell the roses'. Call on him if you need joy, or if you feel you have lost the laughter in your
life. You know when Jophiel is at work if you are searching for answers to questions in your
life and wish the greater wisdom be revealed to you and all of a sudden you experience flashes
of insight in which everything suddenly becomes so clear.
Archangel Raguel (meaning of name: friend of God)
Raguel is the Archangel of justice and fairness. He oversees all the other Angels and
Archangels so they are in harmony with each other. He is the Archangel for the underdog. Call
on him if you are in need to be empowered and respected. He defends the unfairly treated. He
also helps to resolve arguments and leads to harmony in groups and families.
Archangel Ariel (meaning of name: lion of God)
Ariel is vital with manifesting your desires. Ariel is involved with healing and protecting
nature, including animals, fish and birds. When you tell Ariel your wishes and desires, he
assists your Guardian Angel in manifesting these desires if they are for your highest good.
Archangel Azreal (meaning of name: whom God helps)
Azrael's primary role is to help people cross over to Heaven at the time of physical death.
He comforts people prior to their physical passing, makes certain they don't suffer during death
and helps them assimilate on the other side. Working as a grieve counselor, he surrounds
grieving family members with healing energy to help them cope with the passing of their loved one.
Archangel Haniel (meaning of name: the grace of God)
Haniel is credited as escorting Enoch to the spirit world where he was transformed in the Angel
Metatron. Haniel helps to uncover the lost secrets of natural healing remedies such as essential
oils and crystals. He will help you remain poised and centered during public speaking. Call on
him to bring beauty, harmony and loving friends into your life.
Archangel Jeremiel (meaning of name: mercy of God, whom God sets up)
Jeremiel reviews our lives with us after we've crossed over. He is also able to do this with us
while we are still living so we may correct our thoughts and make positive adjustments.
He is also able to help make life changes-which makes us stronger and leads us to our life's
path. Jeremiel helps us with clairvoyance, prophetic thoughts and to interrupt psychic dreams.
Archangel Raziel (meaning of name: keeper of secrets, angel of mysteries)
Raziel works very closely with the Creator and it's believed he knows all the secrets of the
universe and how it operates. Raziel helps you understand esoteric material, manifestation
principles, sacred geometry, quantum physics and other higher level information. Raziel also
helps you open your psychic abilities and increase your ability to see, hear, know and feel
divine guidance.
Archangel Metatron (meaning of name: the angel of presence and angel of earth)
Metatron is one of two Angels whose name does not end in 'el' and one of two who were
human before becoming Angels. Metatron was the wise man Enoch and the twin brother of
Sandalphon. God gave both men their immortal assignments as Archangels to reward them for
their good work upon Earth, allowing them to continue their sacred service from Heaven.
Metatron is the chief recorder of the Akashic Records-the book of Wisdom. He has a special
connection with spiritually gifted children. Call on him if you want to help these special
children on their path. He leads children on Earth and in Heaven and helps them adjust to
Heaven after crossing over.
Archangel Sandalphon (ruling Angel and Protector of Earth and a Master of music)
Sandalphon is one of two Angels whose name does not end in 'el' and one of two who were
human before becoming Angels. Sandalphon was the prophet Elijah and the twin brother of
Metatron, the wise man Enoch. God gave both men their immortal assignments as Archangels
to reward them for their good work upon Earth, allowing them to continue their sacred service
from Heaven. Sandalphon's chief purpose is to carry human prayers to God so they may be
answered. He can help expectant parents determine the gender of their child and many also
believe he's involved with music.
Angels by Paulette - Paulette Salo | Tel: 763-546-4076 | email: [email protected]
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