Meaning of Poses
Angels with energy coming from their hands are sending energy to those they care about - just as you send energy to others. Often this is a kind of healing energy. Both of these Angels' energy can be white or golden-white energy - both of which means spiritual energy of protection and healing or comforting. |
Angels with their hands and head up as though they are pleading for something come through to tell you that they hear you when you ask so fervently for something and they are telling you - by pictures - that they hear you and they are sending you what you want. Unfortunately it isn't always when you want it. It is in 'Angel time'. This is so important as we humans are so impatient. When you think about it though, if we were to get something and we weren't ready to have it - we couldn't even enjoy it. Remember, they are correct - they know more than we do what is good for us. Give up the control and let them do their job! |
Angels by Paulette - Paulette Salo | Tel: 763-546-4076 | email: [email protected]
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