Meaning of Sizes
When I first see your Angel before I paint it, I can see the size of the Angel. When a huge Angel comes through, I only see the head or face. I used to paint just that - a huge head or face. Now I ask the Angel to step back so I can see the whole Angel. They do this but sometimes they are so big that I can only see part of them. If you were to use a scale of measurement - a huge Angel would be about 10-12 feet tall or taller and regular size would be slightly larger than a human. Angels never touch the ground so always appear to be larger because of that. They show me size to let me (and you) know the amount of energy they have for you. They just want us to be happy and they are showing us that they have so much energy with which to help us.
Angels by Paulette - Paulette Salo | Tel: 763-546-4076 | email: [email protected]
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